This is a selection of the rides more suited to our era.
There were heaps of Mustangs and Commodores, but we've all seen enough of them.
Sly Fox (Pete) rode shotgun and we enjoyed our drink and egg and bacon roll, whilst sorting out the world's problems. Good company is hard to beat.

We both liked the Nova. It just looked the part.


This little Nissan Sunny was a nice toy.

Tidy old Monaro/ Pity it was missing 1 dress rim. Hard to find an original.

Whilst sorting the World's issues we wondered what drove people to want a particular car enough to import one from the States. We weren't talking about 57 Chevs, Mustangs etc, rather oddball cars that most Aussies have never seen in the flesh and probably never will.
I know I would be interested in why people go to the effort to buy a vehicle they lust after/desire.
Personally I would have an Dodge A100 pickup with a Hemi in the rear in a heartbeat but it could never be legal in Oz so no go. There isn't another US vehicle I desire enough to go to the effort.
What are the Member's thoughts, and what would you love to own, unless you already do.