Old Roadster

Posts relating to early (Pre 1985) Hotrodding History in Australia, including Hotrod and Custom Shows plus early Drag Racing, Speedway, Hillclimbs etc.
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Old Roadster



This photo is circa 1971/72 outside my folks place . of the ex Ray Charlton 1965 registered "Yellow Fever" that I had earlier acquired as a swap for a 57 Customline . When I originally took possession it was tow trucked ,no brakes ,sagged front reverse eye spring causing the tie rod to have the sump sitting on it ,the 34 side steer box was stuffed necessitating the need for the sector shaft to be rebuilt . I replaced the Customline sidevalve 3.9 diff ratio centre to 3.22 removed from my Automatic 57 Cussy that had been earlier converted to manual . This allowed first gear in the low geared Riley 4 speed box some use :D :D . I sold this roadster later on where it was totally "re birthed" with new drive train and colour ,including plate change . The vehicle is still around ,in pieces with current rego when I last checked some time back .
OZ-E-Rodders Rod and Kustom Club Member #31
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Re: Old Roadster

Post by rx4ord »

I reckon Freddy the Ruigrok will have a few ideas Frank.

Tassie Dave
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Re: Old Roadster

Post by Oldcol »

It's still owned by Geof Rea in Gippsland area, still in bits as far as I know....

"Works" comes before "looks good", cos "looks good" changes, and "works" works!
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Re: Old Roadster


Yep down Gippsland way . In pieces when I last heard. This vehicle also was totally re birthed 1972/73 and non recognisable from original , with extended wheel base ,colour change to blue , and Y Block replaced with SBC . Dodge steering wheel replaced the old 60-63 white Falcon deluxe dished wheel . Plates changed also. The replacement 1973 era "L" prefix series issued plates were still current when I last checked about a year or two ago . Time flies now ,determining is getting tougher :lol:

Be great to see some of these old rods re built to original specs . The flames were added some time after this vehicle debuted in an early "Custom Rodder" when built by Ray Charlton .
As explained I got it as a swap. But purely by chance . I was in the RAAF at a remote transmitting site between Laverton and Point Cook scanning with binoculars[had them for hostile aircraft spotting :lol: :lol: ] the then surrounding farmland for tin ,when a white dust coated Hawker Siddley contractor asked me what I was doing . Told him I was after something to build a Hot Rod . He told me he had one up at his dad's home up Rochester way and wanted to get rid of it , he was ex RAAF himself and purchased it originally on a whim "just to spend money " . It needed work but was registered ,he was thinking of trucking it to Melbourne for sale at his mates Ford Dealership in Doncaster . The rest is history . The 57 Ford was driven off ,and last seen parked outside a pub in an area I now call "Somalia" when driving to Racecourse Rd from the zoo area to Flemington about 18 months later :D
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Re: Old Roadster

Post by Andyd »

Is Mick Dunnes 32 Roadster still around?........I met Mick & the Melbourne Street Rodders at the 73 or 75 Nats & had a great time with them.........last saw the guys at the Bathurst 1000 1985/86...........Is Mick still around?............thanks, Andy Douglas
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Re: Old Roadster


Same Roadster Andy . Mick re birthed it after obtaining it from myself .
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Re: Old Roadster

Post by Andyd »

I wasn't sure whether it was Micks car.....I have a couple of pics taken a either the Nats or a Vic State Run....it looks black and yep longer wheelbase and LRC plates........funny thing is that Mick & ?????( who has a 34 5W Oz coupe on here I think) came up to a NSW State show and Mick ran up the arse of a car going thru Kings Cross.......drove it over to my place and we pulled the front end off, straightened a few things in an allnighter & Mick & ????? drove back to Melbourne using rear brakes only.........lol.........so Whodacky owns it now?........is Mick still around?.........how about Chris & Terry Harris, Mick Lee, John Noble....I killed many a brain cell with all these guys.......lol......... Andy Douglas
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Re: Old Roadster

Post by swifty »

Yes Andy, Mick Dunne is still around and drives a 56 T/bird and is building -I think- a 34 Pickup. Mick Lee is also still around and has a Hemi powered early pickup and a flathead powered traditional 32 hiboy roadster which he built LHD. Saw both these blokes on the Australia Day weekend.
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Re: Old Roadster

Post by Andyd »

Pete, if you come across either of them again say Hi from me.............thanks andyd
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Re: Old Roadster


I do not remember black . But I do remember it as "Ceyenne Blue" . Not sure of the spelling being correct . It may have ended up black after this with flames ?. Front suspension altered to extend the wheel base was distinctive
OZ-E-Rodders Rod and Kustom Club Member #31
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