You MUST read this BEFORE signing up!

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Posts: 23
Joined: Mon Mar 21, 2005 2:04 pm
Location: Long Beach, California

You MUST read this BEFORE signing up!

Post by exaussie »

To all prospective new Ozrodders members.

Please note changes to member signups.

All new Member applications are manually checked prior to being granted access to post to the Forum.

You MUST supply a valid ISP or company email address or your membership application WILL be deleted instantly. Existing members are NOT affected by this change. Most emails with a or extension, including free email services based in Australia and New Zealand should be ok, this restriction applies to International free anonymous emails. There is NO way around it.

You MUST read the Terms and Conditions before signing up.

To understand WHO and WHAT is, please refer to our Home Page.

Thank you for your cooperation.