Steering column distance from engine block?

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Steering column distance from engine block?

Post by ratesnotice »

I have been Googling this question but have been unable to find the answer. Hope someone can point me in the right direction.
To meet the regs in Australia what distance does the steering column have to be distanced from the engine?
Or to put it another way how close can you have the steering column to the engine and have it legal?
Thanks for your help.
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Re: Steering column distance from engine block?

Post by chris spokes »

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Re: Steering column distance from engine block?

Post by Harv »

Depends on your engineer and his interpretation of the rules. NCOP Section LS Suspension and Steering Front Suspension and Steering Modification (Design) Code LS3 gives the following guidance (page 44): ... 015_v4.pdf

Operating Clearances. All suspension members and steering levers and linkages must clear other vehicle components such as engine, transmission exhaust system and chassis members etc. over the full envelope of steering/suspension travel, after allowing for any likely movement of engine or other mechanical assembly. It is recommended that a clearance of at least 10mm be provided between these components and 25mm be provided for tyres.

Note the use of the word "recommended". There is no hard and fast rule... it is up to an engineer's interpretation.

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Re: Steering column distance from engine block?

Post by jeffa »

The engineer doing my Chev and I had a discussion around this.
He said the 10mm rule, but if your engine has soft type mounts then you have to allow for the engine movement.
So I'd be speaking to your engineer.
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Re: Steering column distance from engine block?


10MM min. was always my understanding
OZ-E-Rodders Rod and Kustom Club Member #31
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