VanHool, The end of an Era, 08/04/2024

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capri power
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VanHool, The end of an Era, 08/04/2024

Post by capri power »

VanHool, The end of an Era
Compilation, 08/04/2024
Tribute to the employees of VanHool who are in danger of losing their jobs due to bankruptcy. ​ And this because of a family feud over an inheritance. 1947 → 2024. Another piece of Belgian Automotive that is disappearing. Hoping for a takeover, with job retention.
Album → ... aa-24.html
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Re: VanHool, The end of an Era, 08/04/2024

Post by zuffen »

The fights within families over money the people fighting didn't earn are legendary.

It amazes me that you didn't earn it but you want as much of it as you can get.

In an automotive sense Porsche/Peich families did the same 50 or so years ago.

I hope it gets sorted.
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Re: VanHool, The end of an Era, 08/04/2024

Post by jeffa »

Thanks for posting that Capri Power.
Anything automotive is interesting.

And yes, Rod. Something I cannnot abide is people fighting over what they didn't earn. Often the benefactor has to give money to those they don't believe deserve it just to stop potential fights.
Someone (who should be) close to me had already "spent" their inheritance well before the benefactor passed away! Made me sick to my stomach to hear them planning their next overseas holiday (and the one after that!).

When my Dad passed, all of his kids benefitted equally. My share is still in the bank to divide equally between my kids. I felt I didn't deserve it as much as one of my brothers. So I don't feel it's mine anyway.
Yeah. I've changed my signature. The old one was out of date...
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