It was cold, around 4 degrees when I arrived in my Rover, which doesn't have doors, windows or a roof, but the tur up was very good. 3 other idiots turned up in open cars as well.
There was a good mix of old, new and modified vehicles. For the first time there were 3 kit cars there.
let the photos do the talking.

And it's working brother.

Another fresh air nut!

Interesting that the exhaust is mounted to the axle. Apparently there a joint under the side cover so it moves with the suspension. Couldn't see the point but obviously the owner does.

The EJ had a fox tail around the rear view mirror.

This is simply stunning. D Type recreation. All aluminium body. Correct in every detail.

Another honest one. Dents, rust and all.

This is a great effort of an early Gasser. Pity he can't park.

Another kit cat.

A late arrival. parked amongst the garbage bins.

That's about 20% of the vehicles there.
An HR with a full engine bay.

Probably one of the most honest vehicles there. Original paint and dents.

The number plate gives the game away but this was very cool. may not handle too well!

I forgot about this guy also braving the cold.

A VW powered kit car, but the T Model is amazing.