Tassie 41 Coupe. Where ????

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Re: Tassie 41 Coupe. Where ????

Post by Maffra »

Good looking car Dave 8)
Regards :)

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Re: Tassie 41 Coupe. Where ????

Post by rx4ord »

Yep Col worked on it in the olden days.
Did chassis and other bits for it.

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Re: Tassie 41 Coupe. Where ????

Post by Oldcol »

rx4ord wrote:Yep Col worked on it in the olden days.
Did chassis and other bits for it.

Tassie Dave
Yep, the credit for panel and paint goes to Stylerod in Croydon, while it was away getting sorted out there, I built up a rolling chassis for it , Calvin already had a strong 350 and Muncie built and that was then installed along with a 9" rearend on Cussy springs, and a beam axle up front which I adapted Falcon discs and calipers to, and the usual HQ steering box, plus a sway bar and shocks,etc....then everything was cleaned up and detailed and rebuilt in time for the body to return. Then it was all the tricky bits like wiring, wipers and heater ,seat mounts, steering column ,pedals,etc,etc....and then glass fitup and locks and window mechanisms and one and on....eventually got it all sorted out and out the door to Calvin....

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Re: Tassie 41 Coupe. Where ????

Post by Andyd »

So..Col....when was this?...............prior to the 81 Nats or since then?............here in Oz it was one of the first really USA styled customs that I can recollect....thats taking nothing away from the 60's Oz Holden, Cusso's and other customs.......I remember seeing Ray Spirotto's beautiful blue custom FJ at the local Mobil servo in the late 60's soon after it was featured in Custom Rodder and the Mustang Grille & E type covered headlights just blew me away as a young kid....then I saw Ron Wickhams custom F100 with the GTO style front end, XR Falcon ute style bed and a triple carbed Poly, again, metalflake blue and yellow engine.......and Len Fenech's Mercedes headlighted custom FJ............ah..thems was the days........lol..............andyd
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Re: Tassie 41 Coupe. Where ????

Post by Oldcol »

I really couldn't say, you'd have to ask Calvin for the time frame, I'd guess 79/80 ish. I remember going over to his place when he first brought the wreck over from Tassie, man it was rough!, I didn't think it was saveable to tell the truth...although I did know of the car from an early piece in one of the old rod mags from when it was still recognisable as a car :lol: ...all credit to Calvin for having the fortitude to bring it back from the dead and see the job through to the end.

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Re: Tassie 41 Coupe. Where ????

Post by Andyd »

And no one knows where the car is now?.................
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Re: Tassie 41 Coupe. Where ????

Post by rx4ord »

I reckon someone on the Book of Faces will Andy.
Maybe Col can ask around on there or someone else
who is a member.

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Re: Tassie 41 Coupe. Where ????

Post by tub1935 »

found some pic of another Tasmanian hot rod that's vanished dave will get the pics to you soon for your next cold case
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Re: Tassie 41 Coupe. Where ????

Post by rx4ord »

Look forward to it Scott.

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Re: Tassie 41 Coupe. Where ????

Post by mercury mitch »

This was the first hotrod i had a ride in ,that was about 1968. A freind of mine new Ron so he took for a spin around the Bluff,what a buss for car mad 17 year old. I think Ron said it was a Japanese staff car up in the Pacific islands.The second time i rode in a rod was 2013,long time between drinks
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Re: Tassie 41 Coupe. Where ????

Post by Andyd »

Nice recollections Mitch.....my 1st hotrod that I sat in was Dennis Millets channelled blue 32 Ford Sedan......he & some other rodders had a small display at an annual carnival at Kyeemah on the shores of Botany Bay in the late 60's....I might have been 14 or 15 and was looking at the cars when I must have annoyed him too much with my questions and he asked me if I wanted to SIT IN THE CAR........lol........after picking myself up I had the honour of sitting in it and was just blown away.......over 50 years later I still remember this as though it was yesterday and have always offered the chance to sit in my car to anyone when its on display at a show..........Dennis's car is long gone, in fact my brothers 51 Chev had the only remains, a pair of its 59 Caddy taillights but I still think fondly of that offer to a pimply kid he didn't know and how it has inspired me..........thank you Dennis............Andy Douglas
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Re: Tassie 41 Coupe. Where ????

Post by 34 tub »

Hi All
Its been here in Adelaide for a few years now but saying that I have not seen it for about 12 months now.

Thanks David
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